Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Will You Be Refunded If Your Baby Is Not a Genius?

So even though The American Academy of Pediatrics highly recommends that children under two refrain completely from watching TV, how many moms out there still allow their children to watch a couple shows, I mean, they’re educational, right? Or are they?
Well if you own even one Baby Einstein DVD, the company, owned by Disney, will refund you $15.99 for up to four Baby Einstein DVD’s per household, bought between June 5, 2005 and September 5, 2009. So why the refund? The Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood launched a lawsuit arguing that “The Walt Disney Company’s entire Baby Einstein marketing regime is based on express and implied claims that their videos are educational and beneficial for early childhood development. “
So as I definitely do not believe in sitting a baby right in front of the TV, Brody has definitely watched his share, and he is under two.
I remember when I was a nanny and one of the moms told me about the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation, she wanted to try and follow it with her son. This was some what difficult especially because she had a four year old daughter who was allowed to watch TV. It ended up her doctor told her another piece of advice, while you should avoid a ton of TV where children are concerned, when needed it can be a wonderful educator and babysitter. I do believe people take advantage of this and sit their children in front of the TV out of laziness though (and extreme circumstances like when you are sick and can’t move and your child watches almost all of the Hi-Five episodes on-demand) I do not rely on TV to teach my son and make him a genius. Even if we are watching Hi-Five, I use the show to help him learn colors and numbers while reiterating what he just saw. I still read to him constantly, dance, sing, play games and teach him in other ways.
So I guess my question is, while these shows and DVD’s may help aid in learning, does anyone really completely rely on them to teach their children and will you be returning them if you do? (If you are going to admit you do….)
Do I personally think the DVD’s make baby geniuses, no, but do I think Brody learns from Hi-Five or the shows he watches, yes.
I am interested in your opinions:
Do you have children under two who watch TV?
Do you think they learn anything from what they watch?
Do you feel better about letting them watch TV if they are learning?
Do you own Baby Einstein DVD’s and will you be returning them?



Blogger Unknown said...

Do you have children under two who watch TV? yes, my daughter has been watching Barney and the Wiggles since she was 1 and a half

Do you think they learn anything from what they watch? Yes, children learn by watching be it TV or home life, my daughter sings the songs and knows all of the moves, she for a now 2 year old, her speach is better then her older cousins.

Do you feel better about letting them watch TV if they are learning? Yes, we try not to let her watch too much tv but we watch it together, it's not the babysitter. We sing the songs we do the dances all together, for the most part of her day she is in Daycare, TV is free time that everyone needs.

Do you own Baby Einstein DVD’s and will you be returning them? I do own the videos but wont be returning them

January 5, 2010 at 11:26 AM  

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