Monday, October 26, 2009

Sick Days… Not What They Used To Be…

Sick days are just not what they used to be… remember the days when sick days were “fun” ~okay, maybe not fun, but definitely not bad. You could just stay in your PJ’s, lay on the couch watching The Price is Right, and get served tea and crackers without even moving.
Hmmm… not anymore… not now that you are the mom. You can’t call in sick when you are a mom. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I was the only one sick, Brody and Matt were fine.
The timing was horrible though, because we did have plans to go away for the weekend (going to Pitt Homecoming with all of my college friends) and Thursday afternoon when I started to get sick, we started to realize there was not a chance I could spend 5 hours in a car to Pittsburgh since I couldn’t spend 5 minutes with my head up and out of the bathroom.
At least since we were going away our parents had planned to watch B, so my mother-in-law came to pick him up early Friday while Matt was working downstairs and I couldn’t move.
Now, I know I am jinxing myself when again I will say, I never get sick. (Way to go, definitely jinxing myself while we are coming right into flu season…smart Ashley…) Anyway, I used to get sick all the time in college but since then, hardly ever, I swear by vitamins and they seem to work. I don’t really get colds, never had the flu (there I go again… just stop writing!) So I have been miserable since Thursday when I was hit with what I would have to say is the worst virus I have ever had.
It’s been horrible…
I laid on the couch Thursday afternoon and I don’t think I got up again yesterday… oh, except to go to the hospital (my husband and parents basically made me and I did not have the energy to argue anymore) I couldn’t even lift my head to eat, I literally was eating crackers laying down…
It is so sad to watch Brody running around me playing, trying to stack toys on top of me, pulling my hair, trying to get me up to play with him, and I couldn’t even move.
Luckily Matt was home at a decent time on Thursday and took over Brody duties. He played with him, took him & Cooper out for a walk, and gave him dinner, did everything I couldn’t. There is definitely a feeling of guilt while I am just laying there and he is doing everything.
My parents picked up Brody on Saturday and he slept there (like he was supposed to while we were going to be away) and they brought him back Sunday.
And then Monday came around… I really thought I would be better by today... not so much. Brody was up early (for him) at 7am, so I jumped up to get him and instantly felt sick again. I pulled him right back in bed with me and put on Hi-Five. I bought myself 46 more minutes to sleep in while he watched two episodes of Hi-Five. Matt left for work at 8am and I brought Brody down to have breakfast. I could stand and do a few things but would have to lie down (or run to the bathroom) every half hour.
Today was tough, but I am hoping tomorrow will be better.
What are you supposed to do with an energetic 16 month old while you can’t even move?? Now, I need to get ready for bed in case Brody gets up again tomorrow at his new early time. Good night!


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